Welcome to the Infamy Modern Warfare Reloaded Store
Please type in YOUR username! If you are purchasing a package for someone else,
type there username in the Box at checkout! *please Note Names Must be spelt EXACTLY as they are in game*
Purchases may take up to 30 minutes to process.
Parental permission required if you are under 18 years old. No refunds will be given regardless of the situation.
Purchase Support
Please contact Turner#0001 or CPY#2694 on Discord if you encounter issues while purchasing a package, or have any general questions relating to the webstore. We appreciate you supporting Infamy Reloaded! Your support allows us to grow and expand the server!
Privacy Policy
All information that is required on this webstore is not shared with any other third parties and is stored securely. All payments are processed via SSL enabled gateways and ensure that your payment details are secure. Personal information is collected so that we can fulfill your order and is never shared with any other third parties.
Terms Of Service
-- By proceeding through checkout & paying, you will receive the package you paid for digitally on the Minecraft server, Infamy Modern Warfare Reloaded, you agree to The Terms & Conditions through this payment, website, Infamy Reloaded Website, Server Rules, and to all that applies on the server. Through this procedure you must allow a maximum of 48 hours for the payment methods to process. Anything on this Webstore can be subject to change, without notice. We withold rights to rejected any permissions or take anything purchased on the store. We are not responsible for any player conflicts, nor loss of items in game.
-- You agree to not chargeback, by proceeding to checkout. Any Attempt to Chargeback will result in a Ban, forever. There shall be no attempt to send a chargeback dispute.
-- Purchases are final. There are no refunds. Upon being banned, or punished for not following the rules, you will receive no refunds for this is upon your own doings by not following server rules in game or on Discord.
-- Infamy Modern Warfare Reloaded is not affiliated with Mojang AB © or Minecraft © in any way. Anything donated through this website is completely out of self will to help the server and support the server. Minecraft is copyrighted under Mojang AB.